Monday, February 7, 2011

University of Miami Lectures

Here is a link to streaming video of the lectures I gave at the University of Miami's Masters of Real Estate Development + Urbanism program this past fall.  There were 8 lectures in all, but the first one hasn't been posted yet.

The lectures are organized as 4 pairs of lectures:

Pair 1 looks at the history of New Urbanist development as the "Renaissance" of urbanism.  First, the Founders/legacy projects exemplified by Seaside; second, the "follower" projects, exemplified by Celebration, that applied New Urbanist principles to master-planned community development.

Pair 2  examines fundamental disconnects between the realities of development as it has come to be practiced and regulated, and what society expects of it.

Pair 3 grapples with how the present economic cataclysm impacts not only what we develop, but also how we go about doing it.

In the final pair I try to look forward through the economic recovery to the new normal, and suggest some ways to learn the lessons of urbanism and reconcile the fundamental disconnects of development practice in order to find a new paradigm for development.

Take a look and let me know what you think.